naked club place details Chaparral Resort Bed and Breakfast
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Chaparral Resort Bed and Breakfast
Nudist friendly Bed and Breakfast
contact (817) 594 - 0210
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
contact (817) 594 - 0210

If you are a free spirit type you will enjoy what awaits you at the Chaparral Resort/Bed and Breakfast. We offer a clothing optional stay in a totally private and secluded setting or just a quiet get away, the choice is yours.

Your hosts, Don and Pat, welcome you to enjoy a totally relaxing experience at their back to nature ranch which is located just 34 miles south-west of Forth Worth, Texas and half way between historic Granbury and Weatherford.

Relax around the pool or in the hot tub. Work up a sweat in the gym and even out the tan on the tanning bed. Live it up in the saloon with karaoke, dancing and a game of pool. Enjoy a game of horseshoes or darts. At night listen to the coyotes, sing and gaze at the ceiling of stars.

naked-icon  Clothing optional but most will be nude
legal-icon  Private - 100% legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Buy ticket in advance
people-icon  Age range: adult
people-icon  Capacity: 100 people

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