naked club place details Umpqua Hot Springs
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Umpqua Hot Springs
Popular nude hot springs
NF-3401, Idleyld Park
Eugene, Oregon, United States

Located in the central Oregon Cascades about one hour from the 15 corridor, Umpqua Hot Springs is year round accessible. Umpqua features 3 hot pools located on a mineral deposit situated above the North Umpqua River. A brief but steep hike leads intrepid soak seekers to the pools from the signed parking area. Hot springers have a short, quarter-mile hike most of the year or must contend with a 2-mile hike most of the year or must contend with a 2-mile hike when the snow flies as the access road is not plowed. Soaking naked is the norm here.

legal-icon  Nudity is officially legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Admittance fee on arrival
people-icon  Age range: all
people-icon  Capacity: 30 people

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