naked club event details International Skinny Dip Day
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July 08, 2023
International Skinny Dip Day
Show the world how kind naturists can be!
Garacharma, Global

Independent Event

This is a worldwide event. Individuals or organizations are encouraged to host skinny dip fundraising events on July 8. Events are intended to raise money to cure women who have had their bodies injured and shamed in birth trauma (via Fistula Foundation), create meaningful, body-positive experiences, and to generate positive publicity for your group, and naturism as a whole. There were 3 participating locations in 2019, 8 in 2021, and 12 in 2022. Let's keep it growing! Go to to add your own event.

naked-icon  clothing optional but most people will be nude
ball  all ages - no gender regulation
ball  over 1000 people expected -
ball  will be photography/videography with permission
ball  registration: Just Show up
ball  admittance is free

If you wish to attend this event please check the requirements, either at the event website or my contacting the event organizer. If you already know you are going you may indicate that below.
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  who is attending from Nclub members?
The number of people shown here is not an indication of everyone going to this event. This only shows who from the website has indicated they want to go or is planning to go. Most events require visiting the event website and contacting the organizers.
You must log in and have a complete profile on this website before you can post a message, or see who is going, or indicate you are attending.
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bodyfest 2024 Bare Oaks Nudism Illustrated Bare Oaks Naturism
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