naked club event details Winter Solstice Nude Charity Swim 2023
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June 21, 2023
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Winter Solstice Nude Charity Swim 2023
Nude swim in support of Lifeline Mental Health Charity
Yarralumla Beach, Lake Burley Griffin
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Member Created Event

At sunrise on the shortest day of the year, brave souls can drop their towels, and refresh their spirits, in the chilling waters of Lake Burley Griffin to raise money for Lifeline, an organization that provides mental health support and suicide prevention. Check-in starts at 6:20 AM, in preparation for the 7:12 start of the swim. Afterwards, warm by the open pit fire and have a free sausage and coffee. The event is scheduled to wrap up by 7:45, leaving you time to get to work for the day, but a celebration is scheduled for 5 PM at the Dickson Tap House, Wooley St, Dickson. Note that all participants must preregister. Due to insurance difficulties, you will not be allowed to participate if you have not completed the online registration form and waiver. On the day, there will be no facility for any ‘walk-up’ registration.

naked-icon  complete nudity is required or expected
ball  all ages 18 and up - no gender regulation
ball  50 to 70 people expected -
ball  will be photography/videography with permission
ball  must pre-register
ball  must buy ticket in advance

If you wish to attend this event please check the requirements, either at the event website or my contacting the event organizer. If you already know you are going you may indicate that below.
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06:20 Check in begins. Returnable swim caps allocated. 06:45 Bagpiper begins - finishes 07:00 06:50 Check in closes 07:00 Welcome address 07:05 Safety brief 07:09 Bagpiper begins – finishes 07:11 exactly 07:11 Whistle blown for 1-minute warning 07:12 (exactly) air horn sounded for participants to enter the water 07:15 Once out of the water, warm yourselves near an ‘open pit’ fire, but OH&S conditions apply. 07:15 Free sausage sizzle (sausages provided courtesy of Lindbeck’s Butchery) and coffee for participants. 07:45 Off to work 17:00 Celebration at the Dickson Tap House, Wooley St, Dickson

admission fees
$35 donation

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The number of people shown here is not an indication of everyone going to this event. This only shows who from the website has indicated they want to go or is planning to go. Most events require visiting the event website and contacting the organizers.
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