naked club place details Belvedere Guest House
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Belvedere Guest House
A Palace Geared to Gay, Male Only Clientelle

New York, New York, United States

Located a few minutes walk from the communities of Fire Island Pines or Cherry Grove, this iconic, gay, male only property is located on the bay about 500 feet from the beach. The Venetian-style palace is often described as being awash in “over the top” elegance with its impressive columns, statues, art and antique furniture reminiscent of old world royalty. The property has attractive grounds, leading right up to the waterfront, and features a pool, hot tub and gym. The clothing optional resort is known for its party atmosphere and often hosts dances and shows.

naked-icon  Nudity level unknown
legal-icon  Private - 100% legal
sex-icon  Mainly a male-only location
fee-icon  Buy ticket in advance
people-icon  Age range: adult
people-icon  Capacity: 0 people
people-icon  may have themes or actions of a sexual nature

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