naked club place details Campbells Cove
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Campbells Cove
Official nude beach
Werribee South
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Campbells Cove is a south-east facing section of low coast, located at the end of Cunninghams Road and backed by the rough Campbells Cove Road, which runs along the 5 m high basalt bluffs. Numerous fishing shacks back and, in some cases overhang, the beaches, many fronted by small jetties and slipways. The north beach begins at the fenced southern boundary of Point Cook RAAF base and extends south for 1.2 km to Cunningham Road and the basalt outcrops. Beyond this the south beach, with more shacks, extends for another 700 m to a seawall reinforced point.The northern end of the north beach is an official Optional Dress (ie. nude) Beach. The beaches are fronted by shallow, 100 to 200 m wide sand and rock flats. In places where the beaches have eroded, basalt boulders and seawalls replace the beach.

naked-icon  Clothing optional but most will be nude
legal-icon  Nudity is officially legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Free - there is no fee
people-icon  Age range: all
people-icon  Capacity: 100 people

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