naked club place details Camping Naturiste Domaine Laborde
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Camping Naturiste Domaine Laborde
A Trip Back to Medieval Times

Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France

Set in the valley of the Dordogne river, this 20-hectare, family friendly, forested naturist camp has 121 camping pitches, 9 campervan pitches, 4 furnished tents, 10 mobile homes and 26 chalets. It offers sweeping views of the hills as well as proximity to an area rich in heritage, complete with medieval towns and fortified castles. The camp, itself, sports a 16-century building with thick stone walls that house the reception area, library, bar and grocery store. The water park is ideal for adults and children with various indoor and outdoor pools, as well as stream that runs along the edge of the campsite. The resort is idyllic for nature lovers.

naked-icon  Mostly nudity is required or expected
legal-icon  Private - 100% legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Buy ticket in advance
people-icon  Age range: all
people-icon  Capacity: 0 people

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