naked club place details Meadowlark Country House
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Meadowlark Country House
Spa with clothing optional pool
9722, 601 Petrified Forest Rd, Calistoga
Santa Rosa, California, United States

Meadowlark is a 20 acre park-like estate with stunning vistas. It is located minutes from Spa town Calistoga. There is a large, heated mineral water pool and spa area with lots of privacy. There is a hot tub, dry sauna, massage room and sunbathing areas. Pool and spa areas can be enjoyed in the nude. Rooms and suites come with full breakfast, fireplace, private view decks and in room whirpool tubs.

naked-icon  Clothing optional but most will be nude
legal-icon  Private - 100% legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Buy ticket in advance
people-icon  Age range: unknown
people-icon  Capacity: 100 people

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