naked club place details Nottingham Sun Club
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Nottingham Sun Club
Family friendly club in Nottingham

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

The Nottingham Sun Club was founded in 1939 on a beautiful patch of Nottinghamshire woodland within the grounds of Newstead Abbey which it still occupies today nearly 75 years later.
We are a family orientated naturist club, owned and run by its members to provide a safe and comfortable environment in which to enjoy naturism and socialise with likeminded people. The club has many facilities, central to which are the two pavilions. These are used for a whole range of functions, gatherings and social occasions; one of the pavilions contains the sauna room, showers and a pleasant seating area, kitchen, small library and pool table. The second, larger pavilion has a large fully equipped kitchen and is used mainly for the many social events organised throughout the year.

naked-icon  Mostly nudity is required or expected
legal-icon  Private - 100% legal
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Buy ticket in advance
people-icon  Age range: all
people-icon  Capacity: 400 people

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