naked club place details Skinny Dip Falls
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Skinny Dip Falls
Popular clothing-optional falls
Taylor Rd, Westfield
Fredonia, New York, United States

Skinny Dip Falls is primarily a nudist area. The parking area is at the end of Taylor road. This is a popular spot and the parking lot is often full. From the parking lot, follow the dirt road a couple feet and then take an immediate left where you see the sign for a cottage. The left turn is only about 100 ft after the pavement ends. Walk down a winding and steep road, and eventually you'll hit the stream. Take a left and go downstream. Eventually you'll see a big rock that says "Nudist Area" ahead. From this point on expect to see some naturists!

naked-icon  Clothing optional but most will be nude
legal-icon  Nudity is not legal but tolerated
sex-icon  Generally a M/F gender balance
fee-icon  Free - there is no fee
people-icon  Age range: all
people-icon  Capacity: 30 people

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